
by Aeternus Costin

A brief history of profound philosophical concepts: Anaximander

“Something from nothing” Anaximander (610 BCE - 546 BCE) of Miletus (An ancient Greek city of Ionia, which was located near the modern village of Balat in Turkey) is attributed by later Greek philosophers to have proposed one of the earliest rational explanations of...

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A brief history of profound philosophical concepts: Democritus

“Going nuclear” When it comes to insight, it is hard to beat Greek philosopher Democritus (460 BCE - 370 BCE) of Abdera (the modern municipality of Avdira). Democritus proposed that the solution to the Being vs. Becoming debate was that things were constantly changing...

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A brief history of profound philosophical concepts: Heraclitus

“Turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes” Heraclitus (540 BCE – 480 BCE) of Ephesus, Anatolia (now Selçuk, Turkey) was a Greek philosopher attributed with the saying “Man cannot step into the same river twice.” The modern interpretation of this phrase is that the...

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