New Release!

The Eye of God

by Aeternus Costin

Aeternus Costin, a self-taught philosopher, finds enlightenment at the crossroads of science, technology, and deep metaphysical inquiries. Beginning with an epiphany during a casual summer day in 2019, Aeternus’ intellectual voyage spans across centuries of philosophical thought, from Plato to Einstein. This book stands as both a challenge to conventional religious dogma and a fervent call to reconcile logic with spiritual beliefs. By tenaciously arguing for the existence of God using logic and science, it aims to free humanity from antiquated religious ideologies while bridging the chasm between rationality and transcendence. Dive into a transformative exploration that not only seeks universal truths but also hopes to inspire readers to reflect upon reality and their role within it. Join in on a pursuit of knowledge, reason, and an unwavering quest for truth.


About The Author

Aeternus Costin is a self-taught philosopher and author of the new novel The Eye of God. Before listening to every philosophy podcast he could find, spending thousands of hours on the internet researching philosophical thought, and reading major philosophical works, he was an IT Guy who had become a Chief Technology Officer.

Before joining the US Navy in the mid-`90s and becoming an IT Guy, he was a country boy from the Deep South who loved fishing and watching Alabama Football. When he isn’t working on AI or writing a book on the nature of reality, he still loves fishing and watching Alabama Football, as well as drinking cups of hot tea with his wife, and driving his little John Deere tractor around on their farm.